Questions and answers

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) at a glance

Are there any special tickets and prices for enno train rides?

In the enno trains all tickets of the Niedersachsentarif (Lower Saxony fare), the Niedersachsenticket (Lower Saxony ticket) and tickets of Deutsche Bahn AG (apart from several exceptions) are valid. For train rides within the zones of the transport associations VRB and GVH, the respective regional fares apply, tickets of the transport associations are accepted.

Where can I buy tickets for the enno trains?

You can purchase tickets for the enno trains at the counter in our service centers and at our ticket machines. It is also possible to buy the tickets at the ticket machines of other transport companies, e.g. Deutsche Bahn. However, tickets can generally not be purchased directly in the trains.

Can I ride the enno trains with the Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket (weekend ticket) and the Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket (ticket for travelling throughout Germany in regional trains) ?

Yes, these package offers of Deutsche Bahn AG are also valid in enno trains.

Is the BahnCard accepted in enno trains?

Yes, at the maximum discount rate of 25%, 50% or 100%.

Which tickets can I buy at the enno ticket machines?

At our ticket machines, passengers cannot only purchase the favorable Niedersachsenticket (Lower Saxony ticket), but also tickets of the transport associations (HVV, VBN, GVH and VSN), DB package offers like the Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket (weekend ticket), the Quer-durchs-Land ticket (travel throughout Germany in regional trains) as well as local traffic tickets for all train connections in Lower Saxony and the most important destinations outside the boarders of Lower Saxony.

What is to do if an enno ticket machine is out of order?

In case of a technical malfunction of an enno ticket machine when there is no other ticket machine around, passengers should note the number and location of the malfunctioning machine as well as the point of time of the perturbation. Once the passenger gets on the train, he or she is supposed to look actively for a passenger attendant to explain the situation (ticket machine being out of order). Since the enno staff cannot verify the malfunction of the machine at that point of time, the passenger attendant will issue you a document as a proof of your report about the malfunctioning ticket machine.

What is to do if an enno ticket machine is out of order?

In case of a technical malfunction of an enno ticket machine when there is no other ticket machine around, passengers should note the number and location of the malfunctioning machine as well as the point of time of the perturbation. Once the passenger gets on the train, he or she is supposed to look actively for a passenger attendant to explain the situation (ticket machine being out of order). Since the enno staff cannot verify the malfunction of the machine at that point of time, the passenger attendant will issue you a document as a proof of your report about the malfunctioning ticket machine.

What do I have to do if I must pay a fine for travelling with an invalid ticket or without any ticket at all?

In case you have to pay a fine for travelling with an invalid ticket or without any ticket at all, you have to transfer the amount to the indicated account within the given term of payment. The increased fare will be reduced if you come to an enno service center or a DB travel center within the defined term to prove that you were holding a valid person-specific season ticket at the point of time when you were controlled. You can also send objections to the indicated address.

Can members of the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) use the enno trains for free?

Persons doing compulsory military service and holding a valid travel permission in connection with a valid proof of being a member of the armed forces can use the enno trains for free in the second class between their place of residence and their place of work. Just like before, this does not apply to trips beginning and ending within the transport associations.

Does enno accept semester tickets?

Yes, as long as a contract about the purchase and use of the semester ticket has been concluded between the relevant AStA and the metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH. The semester tickets of the transport associations (HVV, GVH, VBN) are also valid for enno trains, but only in the indicated line sections.

Travelling with children and conditions for children of my family

Children from 0 to 5 years incl. travel free of charge. Unaccompanied children from 6 to 14 years incl. travel for half of the regular price. Children from 6 to 14 years incl. travel free of charge if they are accompanied by one of their own parents or grandparents or spouse, if the latter have purchased a regular price ticket and indicated the number of children on the ticket. This arrangement can be different in the context of special offers. In theses cases, the relevant conditions of the special offer apply.

Travelling with children and the Niedersachsenticket (Lower Saxony ticket)

Travelling with children and the enno Niedersachsenticket: One or two persons can travel with as many of their own children or grandchildren (up to 14 years old) as they want (so-called family children). This rule does not apply to Niedersachsentickets issued for three or more people.

Transportation of items

In addition to the usual hand luggage, every passenger is allowed to carry one piece of further luggage. These are items and bunches (e. g. suitcases, cardboard boxes, barrels, beverage crates etc.) which can be carried by one person (without being hand luggage). The carried items are to be stored in the marked places. The entrance and exit areas of the open plan cars offer enough stowage room for bulky items.

Alcohol and enno?

It is forbidden to consume or transport alcoholic beverages, especially in non-recloseable containers (interdiction of alcohol consumption). In the event of violating this provision, you will have to pay a contractual penalty of 40 EUR.

Transportation of animals

Small and harmless living domestic animals (up to the size of a cat) that are transported in a closed container (e. g. transport box) comparable to a piece of hand luggage can be transported free of charge. The structure and material of the container must exclude any restrictions or annoyance for other passengers or items. The transportation of these animals is free of charge.

Dogs that cannot be transported in a transport box due to their size have to be kept on a lead and wear a muzzle. They need a half-price ticket or are considered as one adult person when travelling with the enno Niedersachsen ticket, the Schönes-Wochenende-Ticket or the Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket. According to the applicable provisions of the federal tstates concerning the protection against dangerous dogs, these kinds of dogs are not allowed to be transported in enno trains at all.


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